Justice for all Party
CAlifornia Love WarrioRs

We need 73,000 people to register for the Justice For All Party by July 5th in order to place 

Dr. Cornel West & Dr. Melina Abdullah on the CA ballot in November 2024. 

Stand up for a more equitable world!

Proposed Bylaws :  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/calm32yvxjnk6bve5o30o/proposed-bylaws.docx?rlkey=ka1y0onnmcxhv4xg4ndiyugip&st=em1i0k64&dl=0

🐻 CA Love Warrior Events

👀 CA Love Warriors Social Media


Amplify your voice with our hashtags

#CAJusticeForAll  #West4President

🫶 Meet the Team

Party Chair profile picture.

Party Chair

Dr. Richard Rose

Party Vice-Chair profile picture.

Party Vice-Chair

Ericka Mercado

Party Secretary profile picture.

Party Secretary

Lillian Copeland

Party Treasurer profile picture.

Party Treasurer

Seraluna Sanchez
