Global Justice
Dismantle the U.S. empire
Slash the bloated U.S. military budget
Disband NATO
Expeditious and responsible closure of global U.S. military bases AFRICOM, etc.
Global cooperation in lieu of full spectrum dominance
Cease all war funding and weapons to Ukraine and invest in peacemaking
Cease military funding to the State of Israel
End Israeli apartheid of Palestinian people and press the UN to establish a program for Palestinian dignity and liberation
Cease all military support to nations committing war crimes
Truth and Reconciliation Commission for U.S. Intervention in Central America, South America, Africa, and Asia
End the Cuba embargo and normalize relations by removing the nation from the SSOT list
No intervention, military or otherwise in Haiti
Cancel all IMF/World Bank debts for so-called developing nations, especially nations on the African continent
End the global patriarchy and associated violence that oppresses women around the world, and stand in solidarity with global women-led movements such as those in Afghanistan and Iran.